LogoSailfishOS Open Build Service > Request 72
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Request 72 (revoked)

* Mon Mar 18 2013 John Brooks <john.brooks@jollamobile.com> - 1.5.0
- commhistory-tool: Allow the text of a message to be specified (from Matt Vogt)
- commhistory-tool: Use the correct ring account name (from John Brooks)
- Allow grouping calls by a combination of contact and type (from Andrew den E [+]* Mon Mar 18 2013 John Brooks <john.brooks@jollamobile.com> - 1.5.0
- commhistory-tool: Allow the text of a message to be specified (from Matt Vogt)
- commhistory-tool: Use the correct ring account name (from John Brooks)
- Allow grouping calls by a combination of contact and type (from Andrew den Exter)
- Refactor group querying logic into GroupManager and GroupObject (from John Brooks)
- Introduce ContactGroup and ContactGroupModel (from John Brooks)
- Allow multiple group IDs for ConversationModel (from John Brooks)
- Add declarative convenience API for ConversationModel (from John Brooks)
- Add declarative ContactAddressLookup element (from John Brooks) [-]

Submit package home:jbrooks...mo:devel:mw / libcommhistory to package nemo:devel:mw / libcommhistory


Comments for request 72 (0)

There's nothing to be done right now

Request History

John Brooks jbrooks created request almost 10 years ago
* Mon Mar 18 2013 John Brooks <john.brooks@jolla [+]* Mon Mar 18 2013 John Brooks <john.brooks@jollamobile.com> - 1.5.0
- commhistory-tool: Allow the text of a message to be specified (from Matt Vogt)
- commhistory-tool: Use the correct ring account name (from John Brooks)
- Allow grouping calls by a combination of contact and type (from Andrew den Exter)
- Refactor group querying logic into GroupManager and GroupObject (from John Brooks)
- Introduce ContactGroup and ContactGroupModel (from John Brooks)
- Allow multiple group IDs for ConversationModel (from John Brooks)
- Add declarative convenience API for ConversationModel (from John Brooks)
- Add declarative ContactAddressLookup element (from John Brooks) [-]
CI Bot cibot Request got a new review request about 11 years ago
Under automated review
CI Bot cibot Request got reviewed about 11 years ago
Prechecks succeeded.
CI Bot cibot Request got a new review request about 11 years ago
Please replace this text with a review and appro [+]Please replace this text with a review and approve/reject the review (not the SR). BOSS will take care of the rest
John Brooks jbrooks Request got revoked about 11 years ago
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CI Bot cibot Review got accepted almost 10 years ago
Prechecks succeeded.