LogoSailfishOS Open Build Service > Request 402
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Request 402 (accepted)

Promote sp-rich-core, tested and works for me

Submit package mer-tools:devel / sp-rich-core to package mer-tools:testing / sp-rich-core

The diff call for /source/mer-tools:testing/sp-rich-core?cmd=diff&orev=6f93b8374682b9c2347033bc5cf50bce&rev=3b97745b8b5951a8798154697d7bb76b&view=xml&withissues=1 failed: project 'mer-tools:testing' does not exist

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Request History

Matti Kosola mkosola created request almost 10 years ago
Promote sp-rich-core, tested and works for me
CI Bot cibot Request got a new review request over 10 years ago
Under automated review
CI Bot cibot Request got a new review request over 10 years ago
Please replace this text with a review and appro [+]Please replace this text with a review and approve/reject the review (not the SR). BOSS will take care of the rest
David Greaves lbt Request got reviewed over 10 years ago
Please replace this text with a review and appro [+]Please replace this text with a review and approve/reject the review (not the SR). BOSS will take care of the rest
David Greaves lbt Request got accepted over 10 years ago
Please add a comment
David Greaves lbt Review got accepted almost 10 years ago
--- !ruby/hash:Xmlhash::XMLHash {}
CI Bot cibot Review got accepted almost 10 years ago
Prechecks succeeded.
David Greaves lbt Review got accepted almost 10 years ago
Please replace this text with a review and appro [+]Please replace this text with a review and approve/reject the review (not the SR). BOSS will take care of the rest