LogoSailfishOS Open Build Service > Request 401
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Request 401 (revoked)

the bewaited qtquickcontrols

Submit package home:sledge:nemo:devel:mw / qtquickcontrols to package nemo:devel:mw / qtquickcontrols


Comments for request 401 (0)

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Request History

Simonas Leleiva sledge created request almost 10 years ago
the bewaited qtquickcontrols
CI Bot cibot Request got a new review request over 10 years ago
Under automated review
CI Bot cibot Request got reviewed over 10 years ago
Prechecks succeeded.
CI Bot cibot Request got a new review request over 10 years ago
Please replace this text with a review and appro [+]Please replace this text with a review and approve/reject the review (not the SR). BOSS will take care of the rest
Robin Burchell w00t Request got declined over 10 years ago
there shouldn't be a need to create this by hand [+]there shouldn't be a need to create this by hand, poke me on IRC and we'll set up a webhook - then it's just a matter of tagging it [-]
Simonas Leleiva sledge Request got revoked over 10 years ago
Please add a comment
CI Bot cibot Review got accepted almost 10 years ago
Prechecks succeeded.
Robin Burchell w00t Review got declined almost 10 years ago
there shouldn't be a need to create this by hand [+]there shouldn't be a need to create this by hand, poke me on IRC and we'll set up a webhook - then it's just a matter of tagging it [-]